In my last post, I described getting React, Brunch and Phoenix working together in the most basic way possible. That worked, but I had trouble getting the NPM integration in Brunch 1.8.5 working with other NPM packages. As of 2.1.0, the Brunch team has significantly improved the NPM integration, and that gives me a good opportunity to revisit it. You might want to check out the docs for Brunch’s NPM integration before we get started.
For this post, I generated a blank Phoenix 1.1.1 app using mix
, but it shouldn’t be much different to get working in an existing application.
Let’s start by installing react and react-dom:
npm install react react-dom --save
The latest version of Brunch, which ships with Phoenix 1.1, doesn’t include a JSX parser by default. We’ll need to install a preset for that, as well as for the es2015 features we’ll want to use.
npm install babel-preset-es2015 babel-preset-react --save-dev
We’ll also need to configure brunch to use both of these presets. Modify your brunch-config.js
file to include the following presets array:
plugins: {
babel: {
// Do not use ES6 compiler in vendor code
ignore: [/web\/static\/vendor/],
presets: ["react", "es2015"]
After that, we should be good to go. Let’s bulid a simple HelloWorld component inside web/static/js/app.js
to test it out.
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
class HelloWorld extends React.Component {
render() {
return (<h1>Hello world</h1>);
<HelloWorld />,
Run mix phoenix.server
from the command line, and open http://localhost:4000/
. You should see the React component take over the main section of the page.